Welcome to RE/MAX Color Run 2024

Calling all dreamers, believers and magic makers! Rise and shine with us at Trujillo's Happiest 3KMujillo2024 marks the first year of The RE/MAX Color Run celebrating those who make the world brighter, healthier and happier.If this is your first ColorRunWe can't wait to MAKE MAGIC, MAKE MEMORIES and DO MORE. TOGETHER. #remaxcolorr#somosremax #remaxstarfish #remaxhondurasuras #remaxweek2024

Saturday Octuber 26th

The event will begin with Run  ZumbaParty at Trujillo airportof Trujillo desde las 3pm. Partiremos desde ahi hacia el parque central where will it be a platform with activities, live DJ show, electromusic, prizes y  3 Km de pfun ! 


The Color Run 2024 is a RE/MAX exclusive event in the city of Trujillo, Honduras. It is a unique event that celebrates health, happiness and individuality. The Color Run, now the world's largest running series, has been experienced by more than 8 million runners worldwide in over 50 countries.

PRECIO DEL KIT 375 lempiras por persona

It includes: Camisa Oficial Edicion 2024 – Polvo Holi de colores – Número de Competición – Estaciones de Hidratación – Fotografias Profesionales – Promocionales de Patrocinadores – Seguridad y Asistencia Médica en todo el recorrido – Premios y más !

You can make your registration payment with a credit or debit card using the following payment button or by bank deposit to the following accounts:

Inversiones Granwell S DE R L 216470002947  Banco Banpais

Inversiones Granwell S DE R L 150111001361 Banco Atlantida

Cuando realices el pago en linea por favor comunicate con nosotros para poder confirmar tu inscripción al +504-9233-8996. Una vez hecho el pago no será reembolsable. Puedes dar click aqui para ver las reglas de Color Run 2024.

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